Archivo diario: 23/04/2012

Crise de l’école. Treize Transformations nécessaires et possibles…

Extraits de la Lettre ouverte du «Collectif École changer de cap» (pages 16 à 36) » Donner toute sa chance à l’école.Treize transformations nécessaires et possibles…» Éditions Chronique sociale, juin 2011 (96 pages, 5 euros, en librairie ou chez l’éditeur). … Sigue leyendo

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Cúpula dos Povos:Registration period extended until May 5th

(port) (cast) (fran) For those who were worried about the registration period for activities and for the press at the People’s Summit, that opened on April 2nd: be calm. The Brazilian Civil Society Facilitating Committee  has decided to extend the registration period until May 5th. The … Sigue leyendo

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II FMEPT chega aos 15 mil inscritos

Faltando 41 dias para o evento, o II Fórum Mundial de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica já conta com mais de 15 mil inscritos. A nova marca foi batida nesta quarta-feira (17). O evento será realizado de 28 de maio a … Sigue leyendo

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