ICAE’s Comments to the draft Executive Summary of the Global Consultation on Education

ICAE’s General Secretariat believes that this summary reflects, to a great extent, the diversity of voices who participated in the different consultations on Education. Nevertheless we feel important to emphasize the following priorities and recommendations that were also stated in several consultations:
The human right to education, not only must be inserted in the post-2015 sustainable development agenda as an explicit goal, but also should be considered in all other goals as a central axis for the achievement of all other sustainable and millennium development goals. For this, it is necessary to see education’s link with the fulfillment of other human rights and social, economic, cultural and political rights.

Also, a clear articulation of post 2015 Education for All (EFA) goals, MDGs and SDGs is needed. The next sustainable development agenda must develop education targets for each phase of the education life cycle –from early childhood education, primary, secondary and tertiary, as well as adult and young people’s education-.


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